Defining Sensitive Information
Monday, September 12, 2016
Sensitive Information Sensitive information is information meant to be protected against unwarranted disclosure. It is vital this information be kept secure, since a number of laws and compliance standards mandate such protection. These laws were enacted to protect personal privacy and proprietary information. Sensitive Information includes all data, in any form, which contains: Customer record information Card… Read More
Data, Data Protection, Data Security, doctors, education, FERPA, fraud victims, government documents, healthcare, HIPAA, Identity theft, Information Technology, law, lawyers, legal, missing files, PCI, personal information, Protection, school, Security, sensitive information, social security, wrokplace
Identity Theft – Victims by the Numbers
Identity theft is rampant globally Telling creditors and credit bureaus that you’ve become a victim is not enough. You will have to file a police report. Then file claims for all fraudulent activity with every creditor on every account that has been affected. Victims often spend years and thousands of dollars clearing their name and cleaning… Read More
What Is Managed IT Service?
Whether you own a small business or a larger company with multiple locations, information technology affects your productivity and revenue flow. From email and file storage to mobile accessibility and data security, businesses of all sizes need an IT solution allowing them to maximize their growth potential. Managed IT services can be tailored for your… Read More
10 Ways to Protect Your Data
Is your business’ data adequately protected from internal and external threats? Data security breaches in recent years have compromised the personal information of millions of people and caused extensive damage to the companies responsible for securing that data. Any business of any size can be at risk for financial loss and untold damages to their… Read More
Five Simple Ways to Protect Your Data
When it comes to safeguarding your data, it is common to overlook things that go beyond encrypting your computer data or password protecting it. Yet, it doesn’t take much to protect yourself from scammers or hackers, and it doesn’t cost anything.… Read More