Data Security
Traditional security methods focus on keeping external attackers out, however the reality is that there are just as many internal threats that threaten company data security.
Overall, the risk environment is changing. Mobile technology, cloud computing, IT failure, failure of compliance — these are a few of the internal threats a business can face on a daily basis. To have any hope of protecting your company’s critical assets, you need to know where your information is located. By identifying what your company classifies as its most important applications and information, where they reside and who has or who may need access to them, your business will gain a better understanding of which areas of their security programs are most vulnerable against attackers.
Routers, switches and firewalls are easy targets for hackers. Having the ability to connect remotely to network resources has become a staple for many company employees in a wide range of industries.
Whether attackers are making a connection via VPN, a remote desktop or a Secure Shell (SSH), it will unavoidably traverse a network path filled with routers, switches and firewalls, many of which have the ability to be easily compromised.
Unfortunately, cyber attackers and those seeking entrance into your IT systems are aware of the vulnerabilities that routers, switches and firewalls posses. In fact, with basic networking knowledge, any malicious person can successfully hack any of these devices to steel corporate information and data, which will disrupt your business communications.
Loyal IT will take no chances with our clients’ security. Clients’ data is put behind a firewall that is constantly updated with new definitions and ever-broadening parameters to pinpoint potential dangers and block them from the outset.
Most people have a general idea of spam filtering at its most basic level. However, for enterprises, a spam filter is a program that is used to detect any unsolicited or unwanted email and then prevent it from getting into a user’s inbox. To do this, a spam filter looks for certain criteria to base its judgements.
Businesses of all sizes, no matter which industry they reside in, rely heavily on email for their day-to-day communications. While it is necessary for communications, it is also another target for a variety of threats from spam to data theft, hacking and viruses. If asked, most individuals in business, if given the choice between giving up email or web access, would most like forgo the web for email access. This goes back to email simply being a necessity for the communication of companies to function.
Loyal IT offers our clients Barracuda spam filter checks incoming email for all clients to stop phishing scams and potential viruses and malware from making it to your inbox. Clients may tailor their preferences to allow domains to send email that the filter may stop otherwise. Clients may also request domains to be blocked that the filter may otherwise approve.
Endpoint Anti-Virus Protection starts with endpoint security management, which is a policy-based approach to network security that requires endpoint devices to comply with specific criteria before they can be granted access to network resources. Endpoint devices can include PCs, laptops, smart phones, tablets and specialized equipment.
The goal of having protection is to discover, manage and control computing devices that request access to the corporate network. By forcing these devices to comply with required elements that may include an approved operating system, a VPN client or anti-virus software with current updates, companies are able to prevent threats to their IT systems. In the event that a device is not compliant with the policies that are required, they will be given limited access or quarantined on a virtual LAN (VLAN).
This type of security system works on a client/server model as a centrally managed server or gateway which hosts the security program and any accompanying client program that is installed on each network device. In a software-as-a-service (SaaS) delivery model, the host server and its security programs are maintained remotely by the vendor. In either delivery model, when a client attempts to log onto the network, the server program validates user credentials and scans the device to make sure that it complies with defined corporate security policies before allowing access to the network.
By requiring endpoint devices to meet security standards prior to being granted network access, enterprises can maintain greater control over the ever-growing number of access points and more effectively block threats and access attempts prior to entry. With Loyal IT, every end-user is provided with Endpoint Anti-Virus Protection that monitors web browser usage to ensure no viruses or malware are downloaded to the system or network.
Data security ultimately protects your sensitive company data from gateway to mobile devices by integrating a full set of data security products within your existing infrastructure by combining threat and data protection in a flexible, centrally-managed solution.
It takes a data-centric approach to advanced threat detection, incident response and prevention to ensure the security of client data. Loyal IT’s certified and skilled professionals will help your business get the maximum value from our data security solutions through hands-on support, personalized consulting, and customized implementation. We use defined methodologies, as well as the best certified practices out there that are derived from application security deployments at leading enterprises around the world.
No matter what security issue you have, Loyal IT’s security experts will run the necessary scans that are specific to your individual issue. We make it our job to clean up your IT system in the event of a data breach and ensure that your network remains untouched from invasion. Loyal IT is committed to protecting our clients’ data and securing it from external and internal attacks.